Feature Extraction Software Tool (Fest:Colour) Colour Extraction of Images and 3D Visualization of Colour Histogram in Cielab Colour Space

FEATURE EXTRACTION SOFTWARE TOOLS (FEST:COLOUR) COLOUR EXTRACTION OF IMAGES AND 3D VISUALIZATION OF COLOUR IDSTOGRAM IN CIELAB COLOUR SPACE. (Keyword: Colour Extraction, Colour Histogram, 3D Visualization, CIELAB ColourSpace) 30 histogram visualization tool for colour feature of image in CIELAB colour space is the research project done in FEST:Colour. This tool can be used by researcher or student who focusing in image processing in CIELAB colour space. Image processing combine image features like colour, texture and shape. Colour is a very simple feature but also important in order to group each of the image in their own group. Nowadays, image processing is needed in industry like film-making industry, or other entertainment industry or also can be used for security or other else. The key components of image processing are image itself, calculation, result or output that can be gain from the calculation and also the way of result representation. The outcome of this project is an extraction and visualization of colour of images. From the system, user need to open the selected image and when they click button such as calculate, the image will be processed by a colour extraction routine which it extract the RGB colour information from the image and convert to CIELAB colour information. Next, this CIELAB histogram is transfer to CIELAB colour space which presented and visualized in 30. Followed by that, this histogram can be analysize for colour image processing application such as classification, browing, image analysis and semantic-related image recognition.