The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America

ask why parents opt for Catholic schools when their own practice is not always informed by participation in Church, and likewise, without the support of government subsidies to fund their children’s education, with all of the attendant issues that school fi nances impose upon our ability to serve children well. Similarly, we Catholic educators in the United States could explore how effectively we meet the needs of students who face physical, emotional, or intellectual challenges. Have we been dismissive of them because of lack of funding? Within school communities, how do we make a place of welcome and encouragement for children who are “different?” Do we extend the graced moment to ourselves and all of our students to become a Eucharistic people by embracing students who may demand more from us? These are just a few of the questions that Cosentino and Bezzina’s pamphlet invite us to ponder.