The SMAPVEX12 (Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Validation Experiment 2012) experiment was conducted during June-July 2012 in Manitoba, Canada with the goal of collecting remote sensing data and ground measurements for the development and testing of soil moisture retrieval algorithms under varying vegetation and soil conditions for the SMAP satellite. The aircraft based soil moisture data provided by the passive/active microwave sensor PALS (Passive and Active L-band System) has a nominal spatial resolution of 1600 m. However, this resolution is not compatible with agricultural, meteorological and hydrological studies that require high spatial resolutions and this issue can be solved by soil moisture disaggregation. The soil moisture disaggregation algorithm integrates radiometer soil moisture retrievals and high-resolution radar observations and it can provide soil moisture estimates at a finer scale than the radiometer data alone. In this study, a change detection algorithm was used for disaggregation of coarse resolution passive microwave soil moisture retrievals with radar backscatter coefficients obtained from the higher spatial resolution UAVSAR (Unmanned Air Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar) at crop field scale. The accuracy of the disaggregated change in soil moisture was evaluated using ground based soil moisture measurements collected during SMAPVEX12 campaign. The results showed that soil moisture spatial variabilities were better characterized by the disaggregated change in soil moisture estimates at 5 m / 800 m resolution as well as good agreement with in situ measurements. It also showed that VWC (Vegetation Water Content) did not have a big impact on disaggregation algorithm performance, with R2 of the disaggregated results ranging 0.628-0.794. The 5 m and 800m resolution disaggregated soil moisture did no show significant difference in statistical performance variables.

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