Interaction between Radio-Waves?

THE coming into operation of the Luxembourg high-power broadcasting-station on a wave-length of 1190 m. has caused the following remarkable phenomenon. For the first time on April 10 of this year it was observed at Eindhoven, Holland, that when a radio-receiver was tuned to Beromünster (460 m.), the modulation of the Luxembourg station could be heard on the background to such an intensity that during the weak passages of the programme of Beromünster the programme of Luxembourg was heard with an annoying strength. Since the field-strength of Luxembourg at Eindhoven has the quite normal value of about 10 mv./m, (the distance from Luxembourg to Eindhoven is somewhat more than 200 km.) and the same phenomenon was observed with different types of receivers, this cannot be due to cross-modulation in the receivers. It was also observed with a battery set away from the electric distribution system of the town, so that any disturb ing influences from these sources were eliminated. Hence it seems that the phenomenon has its origin somewhere in the transmission between Beromünster and Eindhoven. It may be remarked that Luxembourg is situated nearly on the line joining Beromunster and Eindhoven.