Verification and validation of the QualNet JTRS WNW and SRW waveform models

OTC, together with the JTRS JPEO and PEO-I MSO, funded a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase 2.5 Technology Transition effort, with SNT as the contractor, to develop the JTRS Network Emulator (JNE) to support GMR LUT and MOTE test activities. The accuracy of the JNE, to a large extent, depends upon the accuracy of its constituent models. Consequently, OTC funded an effort to verify and validate the performance of the QualNet WNW and SRW waveform models. The purpose of this paper is to report on the status and results generated to date for the QualNet WNW and SRW V&V activities that are scheduled through the end of Fiscal Year 2012.