원자력발전소 1차 계통 주요기기에 대한 웹기반 피로수명평가 시스템 개발
A nuclear power plant is composed of a number of primary components. Maintaining the integrity of these components is one of the most critical issues in nuclear industry. In order to maintain the integrity of these primary components, a complicated procedure is required including regular in-service inspection, failure assessment, fracture mechanics analysis, etc. Also, experts in different fields have to co-operate to resolve the
integrity issues on the basis of inspection results. This integrity evaluation process usually takes long, and thus,
is detrimental for the plant productivity. Therefore, an effective safety evaluation system is essential to manage the integrity issues on a nuclear power plant. In this paper, a web-based fatigue life evaluation system for primary components in nuclear power plant is proposed. This system provides engineering knowledge-information and concurrent and collaborative working environment through internet, and thus, is expected to raise the efficiency of integrity evaluation procednres on primary components of a nuclear power plant.