Model-Based Reinforcement Learning under Periodical Observability

The uncertainty induced by unknown attacker locations is one of the problems in deploying AI methods to security domains. We study a model with partial observability of the attacker location and propose a novel reinforcement learning method using partial information about attacker behaviour coming from the system. This method is based on deriving beliefs about underlying states using Bayesian inference. These beliefs are then used in the QMDP algorithm. We particularly design the algorithm for spatial security games, where the defender faces intelligent and adversarial opponents. Introduction and Motivation In security domains we often face several uncertainties which make acting effectively very difficult. Overcoming the uncertainties is one of the main challenges in order to deploy AI techniques in real-world applications. The reasoning agent has often an access to extra information about the environment which if used properly can help significantly in effective strategy-making. In security games this knowledge can come from several types of surveillance available to the agent. We focus on a model-based approach, where we continually learn and improve our knowledge about the opponent behaviour. The main uncertainty lies in not being able to always observe the opponent location. To tackle this challenge we develop a statistical probability model to enable us to reason about opponent location. We base opponent location modelling on observed frequencies of transition tuples and prior information about the environment e.g. target location. Our proposed algorithm is based on the QMDP (Littman, Cassandra, and Kaelbling 1995) algorithm, which combines the standard Q-learning with belief states in partially observable domains. We extend this algorithm with Bayesian inference update using prior information about the environment. We describe our work in terms of a taxonomy proposed in (Hernandez-Leal et al. 2017), where the authors discuss a classification in terms of environment observability, opponent adaptation capabilities and how the agent deals with non-stationarity. We assume observability of the agent’s local reward and partial observability of opponent’s actions. Copyright c © 2018, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. The opponent is assumed to adapt his strategy within some bounds, thus we restrict his behaviour from abrupt/drastic changes. This is explained by the concept of bounded rationality, which is often used in security games (Pita et al. 2010). Such a concept allows us to learn a model of opponent behaviour and use it to form the defender strategy. This paper is motivated by the domain of Green Security Games (Fang, Stone, and Tambe 2015), with a focus on the problem of Illegal Rhino Poaching (Montesh 2013) and on ways how to learn effective ranger strategies in order to mitigate rhinos killings. Nevertheless, our proposed method is applicable to other spatial security game scenarios which can be modelled on a grid (graph). The problem belongs to a domain of pursuit-evasion games. There has been a lot of work on computing exact solutions and describing their theoretical properties in security games, mostly using the equilibria concepts e.g. Nash equilibria or Stackelberg equilibria (Korzhyk et al. 2011). This line of research has been important as a theoretical underpinning of the field, however, these methods are often difficult to deploy in real world settings due to some strict assumptions or severe simplifications. A different approach from computing exact solution strategy is to learn the strategy from interacting with the environment. This approach helps to overcome some of the assumptions of the theoretical approaches. The domain of security games can be modelled as a reward-based system, where the agents obtain rewards and thus can learn strategies. The problem can be approached by Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) using the Markov Decision Process (MDP) framework. In MARL it is very difficult to learn optimal strategies because of the moving target problem (Tuyls and Weiss 2012), where all agents are assumed to be adapting to each others behaviour. In security games we face an additional complexity caused by the uncertainty about the attacker, who can be intelligent and strategic. One of the possible uncertainties about the attacker is his location, which might not be observable or only partially observable. We focus on a special case of partial (limited) observability which is inspired by the board game Scotland Yard where the player gets to observe the opponent location only periodically e.g. every 3 time steps. We claim that this type of observability is quite common in security domains where the defender gets to observe an opponent location by obtaining some extra information. For instance The 2018 AAAI Spring Symposium Series

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