We consider the problem of transmission of analog data over a noisy channel. It is assumed that the channel input is of the form \surd S f(t, X) , where X is an n -dimensional source vector, and S is the allowable transmitted power. The performance of any given modulation scheme f(t, \cdot ) as a function of the transmitted power S is studied. Lower bounds on the average distortion produced by noise for a class of distortion functions are derived. These bounds relate the "smoothness" of modulation techniques to the minimum error that can be achieved with them. It is shown that when the analog source emits a sequence of mutually independent real random variables at a rate of R per second, the mean-square error that is associated with any practical modulation scheme f(t, \cdot) decays no faster than S^{-2} as the signal power S \rightarrow \infty . It follows that in the case of a band-limited additive white Gaussian channel no single modulation scheme f(t, \cdot ) can achieve the ideal rate-distortion bound on the mean-square error for all values of S , if the channel bandwidth is larger than the source rate R .
I. M. Jacobs,et al.
Principles of Communication Engineering
Thomas J. Goblick,et al.
Theoretical limitations on the transmission of data from analog sources
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
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Solution manual for problems in Communication theory : transmission of waveforms and digital information
Toby Berger,et al.
Optimum pulse amplitude modulation-I: Transmitter-receiver design and bounds from information theory
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
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Some lower bounds on signal parameter estimation
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.
A. Wyner,et al.
On communication of analog data from a bounded source space