Methane; the other greenhouse gas research and policy in the Netherlands

The increase of anthropogenic activities is the main reason for the increase of methane emissions in the Netherlands. Methane is an important greenhouse gas. The most important sources in the Netherlands are landfills, cattle, manure and the exploration, transport and distribution of oil and gas. In this report the emissions of methane are calculated for 1989-1992 using IPCC methodology. Developments in the emissions for the years until 2015 are estimated. Scenario's are used of the Third National Environmental Outlook. The government aim to reduce methane emissions with 10% by the year 2000 will only be effectuated if policies in the oil and gas sector, the livestock sector and the landfill sector are successful. Additional policy measures are feasible in landfill gas recovery and prevention of venting in the oil and gas sector. Cattle reduction are especially effective.