Battlefield decision aid for acoustical ground sensors with interface to meteorological data sources

The performance of acoustical ground sensors depends heavily on the local atmospheric and terrain conditions. This paper describes a prototype physics-based decision aid, called the Acoustic Battlefield Aid (ABFA), for predicting these environ-mental effects. ABFA integrates advanced models for acoustic propagation, atmospheric structure, and array signal process-ing into a convenient graphical user interface. The propagation calculations are performed in the frequency domain on user-definable target spectra. The solution method involves a parabolic approximation to the wave equation combined with a ter-rain diffraction model. Sensor performance is characterized with Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs). The CRLB calcula-tions include randomization of signal energy and wavefront orientation resulting from atmospheric turbulence. Available performance characterizations include signal-to-noise ratio, probability of detection, direction-finding accuracy for isolated receiving arrays, and location-finding accuracy for networked receiving arrays. A suite of integrated tools allows users to create new target descriptions from standard digitized audio files and to design new sensor array layouts. These tools option-ally interface with the ARL Database/Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) Laboratory, providing access to an extensive library of target signatures. ABFA also includes a Java-based capability for network access of near real-time data from sur-face weather stations or forecasts from the Army's Integrated Meteorological System. As an example, the detection footprint of an acoustical sensor, as it evolves over a 13-hour period, is calculated.