Challenges and Opportunities with Causal Discovery Algorithms: Application to Alzheimer’s Pathophysiology

Causal Structure Discovery (CSD) is the problem of identifying causal relationships from large quantities of data through computational methods. With the limited ability of traditional association-based computational methods to discover causal relationships, CSD methodologies are gaining popularity. The goal of the study was to systematically examine whether (i) CSD methods can discover the known causal relationships from observational clinical data and (ii) to offer guidance to accurately discover known causal relationships. We used Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a complex progressive disease, as a model because the well-established evidence provides a “gold-standard” causal graph for evaluation. We evaluated two CSD methods, Fast Causal Inference (FCI) and Fast Greedy Equivalence Search (FGES) in their ability to discover this structure from data collected by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). We used structural equation models (which is not designed for CSD) as control. We applied these methods under three scenarios defined by increasing amounts of background knowledge provided to the methods. The methods were evaluated by comparing the resulting causal relationships with the “gold standard” graph that was constructed from literature. Dedicated CSD methods managed to discover graphs that nearly coincided with the gold standard. For best results, CSD algorithms should be used with longitudinal data providing as much prior knowledge as possible.

Norbert Schuff | Michael W. Weiner | Andrew J. Saykin | Arthur W. Toga | Clifford R. Jack | György J. Simon | Sterling C. Johnson | Kewei Chen | Sisi Ma | Richard E. Carson | Reisa A. Sperling | Howard J. Rosen | Bruce L. Miller | David T. Jones | Godfrey D. Pearlson | Andrew Kertesz | Vesna Sossi | Jennifer Mason | Anna Burke | Kwangsik Nho | David Bachman | Leslie M. Shaw | Michael Donohue | Stephen Correia | Keith A. Johnson | Jeffrey R. Petrella | Terence Z. Wong | Christopher M. Clark | Richard Frank | Raymond Scott Turner | Brian R. Ott | Peter Davies | John Brockington | Adrian Preda | Howard Fillit | David Jones | Eric M. Reiman | David A. Wolk | Prashanthi Vemuri | Steven E. Arnold | Earl A. Zimmerman | Howard Feldman | Susan K. Schultz | Ronald G. Thomas | Kejal Kantarci | Curtis Caldwell | Andrew E. Budson | William M. Brooks | Lisa Silbert | Laura A. Flashman | John Morris | Liana Apostolova | William Potter | Evan Fletcher | Stephen Salloway | George Bartzokis | Curtis Tatsuoka | Kris Johnson | Mark A. Mintun | Xinpeng Shen | Gyorgy Simon | Michael W. Paul Ronald Clifford R. Andrew J. William John Weiner Aisen Petersen Jack Saykin Jagust | Paul Aisen | Ronald Petersen | William Jagust | John Q. Trojanowki | Laurel Beckett | Robert C. Green | Zaven Khachaturian | Greg Sorensen | Maria Carrillo | Lew Kuller | Marc Raichle | Steven Paul | Franz Hefti | David Holtzman | M. Marcel Mesulam | Peter Snyder | Adam Schwartz | Tom Montine | Sarah Walter | Devon Gessert | Tamie Sather | Gus Jiminez | Archana B. Balasubramanian | Iris Sim | Danielle Harvey | Matthew Bernstein | Nick Fox | Paul Thompson | Charles DeCArli | Bret Borowski | Jeff Gunter | Matt Senjem | Chad Ward | Robert A. Koeppe | Norm Foster | Chet Mathis | Susan Landau | Nigel J. Cairns | Erin Franklin | Lisa Taylor-Reinwald | Virginia Lee | Magdalena Korecka | Michal Figurski | Karen Crawford | Scott Neu | Tatiana M. Foroud | Steven Potkin | Kelley Faber | Sungeun Kim | Leon Thal | Neil Buckholtz | Marilyn Albert | John Hsiao | Jeffrey Kaye | Joseph Quinn | Betty Lind | Raina Carter | Sara Dolen | Lon S. Schneider | Sonia Pawluczyk | Mauricio Beccera | Liberty Teodoro | Bryan M. Spann | James Brewer | Helen Vanderswag | Adam Fleisher | Judith L. Heidebrink | Joanne L. Lord | Sara S. Mason | Colleen S. Albers | David Knopman | Rachelle S. Doody | Javier Villanueva-Meyer | Valory Pavlik | Victoria Shibley | Munir Chowdhury | Susan Rountree | Mimi Dang | Yaakov Stern | Lawrence S. Honig | Karen L. Bell | Beau Ances | Maria Carroll | Mary L. Creech | Stacy Schneider | Angela Oliver | Daniel Marson | David Geldmacher | Marissa Natelson Love | Randall Griffith | David Clark | Erik Roberson | Hillel Grossman | Effie Mitsis | Raj C. Shah | Leyla deToledo-Morrell | Ranjan Duara | Maria T. Greig-Custo | Warren Barker | Chiadi Onyike | Daniel D’Agostino | Stephanie Kielb | Martin Sadowski | Mohammed O. Sheikh | Anaztasia Ulysse | Mrunalini Gaikwad | P. Murali Doraiswamy | Salvador Borges-Neto | Edward Coleman | Jason H. Karlawish | Charles D. Smith | Greg Jicha | Peter Hardy | Partha Sinha | Elizabeth Oates | Gary Conrad | Oscar L. Lopez | Mary Ann Oakley | Donna M. Simpson | Anton P. Porsteinsson | Bonnie S. Goldstein | Kim Martin | Kelly M. Makino | M. Saleem Ismail | Connie Brand | Dana Nguyen | Kyle Womack | Dana Mathews | Mary Quiceno | Allan I. Levey | James J. Lah | Janet S. Cellar | Jeffrey M. Burns | Russell H. Swerdlow | Kathleen Tingus | Ellen Woo | Daniel H. S. Silverman | Po H. Lu | Neill R Graff-Radford | Francine Parfitt | Kim Poki-Walker | Martin R. Farlow | Ann Marie Hake | Brandy R. Matthews | Jared R. Brosch | Scott Herring | Christopher H. van Dyck | Martha G. MacAvoy | Pradeep Varma | Howard Chertkow | Howard Bergman | Chris Hosein | Sandra Black | Bojana Stefanovic | Ging-Yuek Robin Hsiung | Benita Mudge | Michele Assaly | Elizabeth Finger | Stephen Pasternack | Irina Rachisky | John Rogers | Dick Trost | Charles Bernick | Donna Munic | Emily Rogalski | Kristine Lipowski | Sandra Weintraub | Borna Bonakdarpour | Diana Kerwin | Chuang-Kuo Wu | Nancy Johnson | Carl Sadowsky | Teresa Villena | Kathleen Johnson | Brigid Reynolds | Gad Marshall | Jerome Yesavage | Joy L. Taylor | Barton Lane | Allyson Rosen | Jared Tinklenberg | Marwan N. Sabbagh | Christine M. Belden | Sandra A. Jacobson | Sherye A. Sirrel | Neil Kowall | Ronald Killiany | Alexander Norbash | Patricia Lynn Johnson | Thomas O. Obisesan | Saba Wolday | Joanne Allard | Alan Lerner | Paula Ogrocki | Parianne Fatica | Pauline Maillard | John Olichney | Charles DeCarli | Owen Carmichael | Smita Kittur | Michael Borrie | T.-Y. Lee | Rob Bartha | Sterling Johnson | Sanjay Asthana | Cynthia M. Carlsson | Pierre Tariot | Ann Marie Milliken | Nadira Trncic | Stephanie Reeder | Vernice Bates | Horacio Capote | Michelle Rainka | Douglas W. Scharre | Maria Kataki | Brendan Kelly | Dzintra Celmins | Alice D. Brown | Karen Blank | Karen Anderson | Marc Seltzer | Mary L. Hynes | Robert B. Santulli | Kaycee M. Sink | Leslie Gordineer | Jeff D. Williamson | Pradeep Garg | Franklin Watkins | Geoffrey Tremont | Lori A. Daiello | Paul Malloy | David Perry | Jacobo Mintzer | Kenneth Spicer | Nunzio Pomara | Raymundo Hernando | Antero Sarrael | Karen Ekstam Smith | Hristina Koleva | Ki Won Nam | Hyungsub Shim | Norman Relkin | Gloria Chaing | Michael Lin | Lisa Ravdin | Amanda Smith | Balebail Ashok Raj | Kristin Fargher | Owen Carmichael | J. Yesavage | M. Albert | M. Mintun | D. Holtzman | C. Jack | M. Bernstein | P. Thompson | D. Harvey | B. Borowski | C. Ward | R. Killiany | N. Schuff | C. DeCarli | A. Fleisher | R. Green | G. Bartzokis | M. Weiner | G. Pearlson | S. Potkin | Adrian Preda | M. Raichle | V. Sossi | A. Toga | L. Schneider | P. Tariot | T. Montine | P. Snyder | L. Thal | R. Petersen | W. Jagust | L. Beckett | M. Carrillo | J. Karlawish | R. Sperling | M. Macavoy | A. Saykin | Sungeun Kim | L. Flashman | J. Williamson | K. Sink | A. Levey | J. Kaye | Y. Stern | P. Vemuri | D. Knopman | K. Kantarci | L. Kuller | O. Lopez | N. Relkin | M. Sabbagh | L. Apostolova | P. Lu | Z. Khachaturian | H. Feldman | G. Jicha | S. Salloway | J. Brewer | L. Shaw | J. Petrella | P. Doraiswamy | R. Koeppe | P. Aisen | M. Donohue | C. Sadowsky | K. Nho | R. Doody | J. Quinn | M. Korecka | C. Clark | Ronald G. Thomas | W. Potter | V. Lee | N. Cairns | A. Oliver | C. Mathis | S. Landau | E. Reiman | N. Foster | L. Honig | S. Arnold | W. Brooks | R. Bartha | B. Ances | S. Weintraub | M. Borrie | J. Tinklenberg | R. Shah | T. Obisesan | R. Carson | A. Kertesz | H. Fillit | H. Rosen | N. Pomara | H. Chertkow | L. deToledo‐Morrell | C. Belden | Kewei Chen | T. Foroud | K. Crawford | A. Norbash | P. Davies | R. Santulli | P. Maillard | E. Fletcher | L. Silbert | C. V. van Dyck | J. Mintzer | A. Hake | Sarah Walter | A. Rosen | D. Marson | D. Mathews | J. Lah | K. Faber | G. Hsiung | N. Graff-Radford | S. Asthana | C. Carlsson | K. Anderson | E. Rogalski | Sisi Ma | G. Tremont | R. Swerdlow | D. Wolk | D. Geldmacher | M. Farlow | J. Heidebrink | R. Turner | N. Kowall | E. Roberson | E. Finger | S. Schultz | J. Villanueva-Meyer | J. Olichney | D. Nguyen | S. Rountree | S. Mason | A. Budson | D. Scharre | M. Senjem | W. Barker | R. Duara | E. Zimmerman | N. Fox | A. Porsteinsson | C. Onyike | C. Tatsuoka | G. Marshall | J. Burns | J. Rogers | K. Womack | K. Bell | B. Stefanovic | A. Lerner | D. Bachman | S. Correia | D. Kerwin | D. Silverman | E. Mitsis | J. Trojanowki | G. Sorensen | S. Paul | F. Hefti | T. Sather | G. Jiminez | Archana Balasubramanian | Jennifer Mason | J. Gunter | S. Neu | Richard Frank | S. Pawluczyk | Mauricio Beccera | L. Teodoro | B. Spann | J. Brockington | M. N. Love | M. Chowdhury | S. Kielb | M. Quiceno | T. Wong | Edward Coleman | K. Tingus | Peter Hardy | P. Sinha | Elizabeth Oates | G. Conrad | F. Parfitt | B. Matthews | J. Brosch | S. Herring | M. Ismail | P. Varma | H. Bergman | Curtis Caldwell | B. Mudge | M. Assaly | S. Pasternack | Irina Rachisky | C. Bernick | D. Munic | B. Bonakdarpour | N. Johnson | Teresa Villena | B. Lane | S. Jacobson | P. L. Johnson | S. Wolday | P. Ogrocki | S. Kittur | Nadira Trncic | S. Reeder | V. Bates | H. Capote | M. Rainka | M. Kataki | K. Blank | M. Seltzer | M. Hynes | Leslie Gordineer | P. Garg | B. Ott | P. Malloy | D. Perry | K. Spicer | Karen E. Smith | Michael P. Lin | L. Ravdin | Amanda G. Smith | D. D’Agostino | J. Cellar | L. Daiello | V. Pavlik | S. Borges-Neto | M. Mesulam | L. Taylor-Reinwald | Effie M. Mitsis | N. Buckholtz | Adam Schwartz | S. Johnson | Xinpeng Shen | Iris Sim | M. Greig‐Custo | M. Sadowski | Mrunalini Gaikwad | D. Simpson | D. Trost | A. Milliken | S. Black | B. Kelly | S. Schneider | D. Clark | A. Burke | T. Lee | Chuang‐Kuo Wu | F. Watkins | R. Carter | M. Dang | B. Goldstein | E. Franklin | K. Makino | D. Gessert | C. Albers | K. Poki-Walker | M. Figurski | M. Carroll | M. Creech | M. Oakley | K. Lipowski | H. Vanderswag | E. Woo | J. Lord | B. Lind | S. Dolen | V. Shibley | R. Griffith | H. Grossman | M. O. Sheikh | A. Ulysse | K. Martin | C. Brand | C. Hosein | B. Reynolds | P. Fatica | D. Celmins | H. Koleva | H. Shim | B. A. Raj | K. Fargher | J. Hsiao | R. Hernando | A. Sarrael | K. Johnson | K. Johnson | K. W. Nam | Michael W. Paul Ronald Clifford R. Andrew J. William John Weiner Aisen Petersen Jack Saykin Jagust T | G. Chaing | Joy Taylor | Joanne S. Allard | B. Miller | J. Morris | D. Knopman | Brendan Kelly | Nick Fox | Greg Sorensen | J. Morris | Stephanie J. Kielb | Paul M. Thompson

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