Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Trading Strategy for Load Aggregators on Price-Responsive Demand

With the development of the Internet of things and smart grid technologies, modern electricity markets seamlessly connect demand response to the spot market through price-responsive loads, in which the trading strategy of load aggregators plays a crucial role in profit capture. In this study, we propose a deep reinforcement learning-based strategy for purchasing and selling electricity based on real-time electricity prices and real-time demand data in the spot market, which maximizes the revenue of load aggregators. The deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) is applied through a bidirectional long- and short-term memory (BiLSTM) network to extract the market state features that are used to make trading decisions. The effectiveness of the method is validated using datasets from the New England electricity market and Australian electricity market by introducing a bidirectional LSTM structure into the actor-critic network structure to learn hidden states in partially observable Markov states through memory inference. Comparative experiments of the method show that the method can provide greater yield results.

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