Experimental infection of fetal and newborn Suffolk sheep with scrapie virus.

Fetal (n = 21) and newborn (n = 7) Suffolk sheep were inoculated with scrapie virus isolated from other Suffolk sheep. Twenty fetuses, 76 to 109 days of gestational age, were inoculated IM in the neck through the uterine wall and were examined for virus 47 to 322 days later by mouse inoculation. Scrapie virus was not detected before 254 days of age; only traces of virus were detected in 3 of 7 lambs examined thereafter (2 at 254 days of age and 1 at 322 days of age). Virus was limited to the supra-pharyngeal, prescapular, and mesenteric lymph nodes. Seven lambs were inoculated into the palatine tonsils with scrapie virus as newborns (3 to 12 days old) and were examined for virus when they were 147 to 210 days old. Virus was not detected in the lymphoreticular tissues or terminal portion of ileum of any lamb. Failure to find scrapie virus in these lambs and in most lambs inoculated as fetuses might indicate few had became infected. However, if most lambs and fetuses had become infected, the long zero phase of the infection could have accounted for failure to find scrapie virus in many of them examined too soon after inoculation. The limited findings of this study indicate that efforts to demonstrate prenatal or neonatal transmission of scrapie by detecting virus are hampered by the slowness of its replication.