From Classes to Mechanics: Player Type Driven Persuasive Game Development

Research findings indicate that player types may serve as a theoretical basis for the design of persuasive games. However, until now no proof of concept is available that shows the applicability of this approach for tailoring games to player characteristics. We suggest a solution by formulating design concepts and by creating game prototypes that are driven by player types. Our strategies are composed of the three characteristics: first, design choices are based on the BrainHex player type model. Secondly, the concepts consider individual player styles and mechanics tailored to the various player types. Third, these individual game elements are combined into one game world. In order to evaluate our concepts we created two mobile game prototypes that foster physical activity. These prototypes are based on the Seeker and the Mastermind player type of the BrainHex model. First findings reveal that the usage of player types appears to be effective. Our efforts should enable designers to create persuasive games that are both engaging for individual players and allow the integration of several player types.