Biochemical Aspects of the Adrenal Cortex.
According to the author, this volume is intended to introduce the biochemical aspects of adrenocortical function to those physicians and pathologists who are without specialist knowledge of the subject. Unfortunately, this audience is forgotten almost from the first page. The book is filled with technological minutiae, colloquialisms and irrelevances, as well as with important concepts poorly introduced and presented without any of the perspective necessary to "a physician or pathologist without specialized knowledge." Indeed, there is hardly a textbook of endocrinology which does not do a better job. Perhaps the greatest asset of the volume is the referencing of a good review at the end of each section. The first part deals with normal adrenocortical function and covers this topic in standard fashion. However, a variety of current, important concepts are omitted, for example, the peculiarities of the infant's urinary steroid excretion pattern and the diagnostic problems this creates, the