자동차 충돌시험방법에 따른 여성 운전자 및 탑승객의 안전도 비교 연구

This study focused on the development of test protocol for the woman driver and passenger on front seat in a vehicle. Real in-depth accidents data from the 2-city in korea were analysed to review the severe injury(MAIS 3+, Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale) rate of woman driver. The types of frontal crash test in a vehicle crash testing is be 2 in KNCAP(Korea New Car Assessment Program) ; according to the barrier type and velocity, full frontal rigid barrier(FFRB) test and offset deformable barrier (ODB) test. To conform which type test method is severe injured to woman driver and passenger in front seat, 2 types vehicle (sedan and SUV) were tested to compare with injury criteria of 5% female Hybrid III seated in the driver and front passenger seat. Total 4 vehicles were tested by FFRB and ODB test using KNCAP protocols. It was found that both the full-width frontal crash accident and FFRB test was severe injured to woman driver and passenger in front seat.