Parallelization of a Electromagnetic Analysis Tool

Abstract : This paper describes research work currently being conducted under the Common High Performance Software Support Initiative (CHSSI) sponsored by the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMO). A scalable, portable, parallel electromagnetic modeling tool is being developed that will provide the capability to rapidly generate scenes of radiating and scattering structures (targets and their surrounding environment) in realistically complex electromagnetic environments. This tool allows users to accurately model targets embedded in their environment. It will be able to solve problems 10 to 100 times larger in liner dimension than previous models. The parallel electromagnetic modeling tool is providing exciting new design and research possibilities for electromagnetic analysis. The team assembled to conduct this research effort consists of the Air Force Research Laboratory, Naval Research Lab (NRL), U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command (USASMDC), Black River Systems Company, RADC, Syracuse University, University of Toronto, and SUNY Binghamton. Three briefing charts summarize the presentation.