Automated Analysis of Orthogonal Variability Models. A First Step

The automated analysis of variability models is a challenge to be reached in SPLE (Software Product Line Engineering). Only recently researchers have devoted their attention to the reasoning on these models. However, their work has focused on Feature Models. Orthogonal Variability Modeling (OVM) is one of the approaches for modeling variability in software product line. Hence, an automated support is needed to reasoning on orthogonal variability models (OVMs). Although the automated analysis of OVMs has been proposed, it only deals with a small number of analysis operations, which are implemented using a specific logical representation and solver. In this position paper, we present the proposal that we will carry out to achieve an adequate tool to the analysis on OVMs. As part of this paper, we informally define some analysis operations on OVMs. In addition, we propose to study the possibility of extending FAMA framework for supporting analysis on OVMs. We consider that FAMA (FeAture Model Analyzer) could be a suitable option to automate this analysis since it provides a formal basis, integrate multiple solvers and already provide tools.

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