1. Arm movements toward a target involving motion at the shoulder and elbow joints and restricted to the sagittal plane were investigated. During some movements, target location changed suddenly, thus requiring an intentional correction of the trajectory by the human subject. 2. The reaction time to correct the trajectory was comparable to the reaction time to initiate the movement. 3. Coordination of arm and shoulder movements in this task was achieved by means of a reduction of the number of degrees of freedom of the movement. Such a simplification of the task took two forms. 4. Angular acceleration at the elbow and shoulder were linearly related to each other in the deceleratory phase of the movement, when the trajectory had to be corrected as well as when no such correction was required. 5. When the correction required an increase or decrease in flexor torque at the shoulder and elbow, electromyographic (EMG) activity in anterior deltoid and biceps increased or decreased simultaneously. When the correction demanded more activity in triceps and deltoid, these muscles were activated sequentially instead. It is concluded that rapid corrections of a movement involve the production of stereotyped patterns of activity in shoulder and elbow muscles.
J. T. Massey,et al.
Spatial trajectories and reaction times of aimed movements: effects of practice, uncertainty, and change in target location.
Journal of neurophysiology.
J. F. Soechting,et al.
Invariant characteristics of a pointing movement in man
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.
J. F. Soechting,et al.
Coordination of arm and wrist motion during a reaching task
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.
Brain Mechanisms of Perceptual Awareness and Purposeful Behavior
M. Jeannerod,et al.
Optimal response of eye and hand motor systems in pointing at a visual target
Biological Cybernetics.
Jamps C Houic.
Participation of Reflex Mechanisms and : Reaction-Time Processes in the Compensatory Adjustments to Mechanical Disturbances