Measurement report on the LHC injection kicker ripple denition and maximum pulse length (MD 1268)

The present LHC filling scheme uses a batch spacing which corresponds to the design report specification of the injection kicker rise time. A reduction of the batch spacing can be directly used to increase luminosity without detrimental effect on beam stability. Therefore, measurements were performed to understand if a tighter batch spacing would lead to increased injection oscillations of a the first and last bunches of a bunch train and eventually also a growth of the transverse emittance. The results of theses measurement were used to define the minimum possible batch spacing for an acceptable emittance growth. Another measurement was performed to test if a batch consisting of 320 bunches can be injected instead of the nominal 288 bunch trains. This bunch train is differently produced in the LHC injectors and features an optimum between beam stability and luminosity gain. The pulse length of the injection kicker was measured to ensure the full batch can be injected at once.