Applications of Mathematics in Models, Artificial Neural Networks and Arts

Mathematics and Society PrefaceVittorio Capecchi, Massimo Buscema, Pierluigi Contucci, Bruno D'Amore 1- Vittorio Capecchi: Historical IntroductionSection I (mathematics and models)2- Pierluigi Contucci, Ignacio Gallo, Stefano Ghirlanda: 'Equilibria of culture contact derived from ingroup and outgroup attitudes'3- Oscar Bolina: 'Society from the Statistical Mechanics Perspective'4- Anna M. Borghi, Daniele Caligiore, Claudia Scorolli: 'Objects, words, and actions. Some reasons why embodied models are badly needed in cognitive psychology.'5- Luca Desanctis, Stefano Ghirlanda: 'Shared culture needs large social networks'6- C. Gallo: 'Mathematical models of financial markets'7- F. Gallo, Pierluigi Contucci, A. Coutts, Ignacio Gallo: 'Tackling climate change through energy efficiency: mathematical models to offer evidence-based recommendations for public policy'8- Simone Sarti, Marco Terraneo: 'An application of the multilevel regression technique to validate a social stratification scale'9- Robert B. Smith: 'The Academic Mind Revisited: Contextual Analysis via Multilevel Modeling' Section III (mathematics and neural networks)10 - Massimo Buscema: 'The General Philosophy of the Artificial Adaptive Systems'11 - Massimo Buscema, Pier Luigi Sacco: 'Auto-Contractive Maps, the H Function and the Maximally Regular Graph (MRG): a new methodology for data mining'12- Massimo Buscema, Pier Luigi Sacco: 'An Artificial Intelligent Systems Approach to - Unscrambling Power Networks in Italy's Business Environment'13- Giulia Massini: 'Multi - Meta SOM'14- Massimo Buscema: 'How to make data mining: The Persons Arrested Dataset'15- Enzo Grossi: 'Medicine and Mathematics of Complex Systems'16- Massimo Buscema, Enzo Grossi: 'J-Net System: a new paradigm for Artificial Neural Networksapplied to diagnostic imaging'17 - S. Tangaro, R. Bellotti, F. De Carlo, G. Gargano: 'Digital Image Processing in Medical Applications' Section III (mathematics and art)18 - Giorgio T. Bagni: 'Mathematics, Art, and Interpretation: an Hermeneutic Perspective'19- Giorgio Bolondi: 'Point, line and surface, following Hilbert and Kandinsky'20- Bruno D'Amore: Figurative arts and mathematics: pipes, horses, triangles and meanings A contribution to a problematic theory of conceptual meaning, from Frege and Magritte up to the present time'21- Michele Emmer: The idea of space in art, technology and mathematics'22- Raffaele Mascella, Franco Eugeni,e Ezio Sciarra: 'Mathematical structures and sense of beauty'23- Monica Ida: 'Visual impact and mathematical learning'24- Marco Pierini: 'Art by Numbers.Mel Bochner, Roman Opalka and other Philarhythmics' 25-Aldo Spizzichino: 'My way of playing with the computer. Suggestions for a personal experience in vector graphics'26- Gian Marco Todesco: 'Four dimensional ideas'27- Igino Aschieri, Paola Vighi: 'From Art to Mathematics in the paintings of Theo van Doesburg' Editors's biographies