Promoting high quality CFLs across Europe: the major outcome from ENERLIN project
To ensure a sustainable growth and use of Compact Fluorescent Lamps we propose to develop valid promotional arguments and implement coherent promotional campaigns; to train end-users in order to achieve a self-sustained CFL use growth. To achieve considerable savings in this sector, a coherent strategy is required to transform the lighting market. To ensure a sustainable growth and use of CFLs, the partners of the EuropeaN Efficient Residential Lighting INitiative (EnERLIn Project EIE Programme, SAVE) have developed valid promotional material and implemented coherent promotional campaigns to inform and train end-users in order to achieve a self-sustained CFLs use growth. Thus, EnERLIn project objectives is to substantially increase the efficiency of residential lighting in a number of Member States and Candidate Countries, through increased penetration of CFL's in the residential sector. This paper give some insight on results obtained by this 3-year project that execution has been achieved in December 2008. The results presented here are mainly concern the analysis of CFL market barriers and especially quality issues as well as dome examples of CFL promotional campaigns that have been undertaken in order to discard the barriers.