Measurement of Work Processes Using Statistical Process Control: Instructor's Manual

Abstract : This report contains the instructor's manual for the course Measurement of Work Processes Using Statistical Process Control. The course was developed for Naval Air Rework Facility personnel by the Performance Management Division, Human Performance Department, Navy Personnel Research and Development Center (NAVPERSRANDCEN) to introduce statistical process control techniques for measuring work processes. Statistical process control (SPC) is a methodology that can be used to help improve any work process from manufacturing to paperwork. It maximizes product quality through control of work processes rather than through postproduction inspection. Statistical process control involves identification and removal of systemic causes of defects and reduces the variation in the critical process components. Once a process has attained a state of statistical control, it is expected as a result of systematic management action to create consistently defect-free products or services. Products and services without defects eliminate waste and rework costs, minimize inspection costs, and lead to increased productivity. The SPC methodology includes the following activities: (1) problem identification, (2) data collection, (3) data summarization and graphic presentation, and (4) recommendations and changes to be implemented based on the data. This approach is cyclical in nature and is often referred to as the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle by management specialists.