Design of New Indexing Techniques Based on Ontology for Information Retrieval Systems

Information Retrieval [IR] is the science of searching for documents, for information within documents, and for metadata about documents, as well as that of searching relational databases and the World Wide Web. This paper describes a document representation method instead of keywords ontological descriptors. The purpose of this paper is to propose a system for content-based querying of texts based on the availability of ontology for the concepts in the text domain and to develop new Indexing methods to improve RSV (Retrieval status value). There is a need for querying ontologies at various granularities to retrieve information from various sources to suit the requirements of Semantic web, to eradicate the mismatch between user request and response from the Information Retrieval system. Most of the search engines use indexes that are built at the syntactical level and return hits based on simple string comparisons. The indexes do not contain synonyms, cannot differentiate between homonyms and users receive different search results when they use different conjugation forms of the same word.