엔진마운트 고무부품의 내구 평가 및 동적 특성 예측

Rubber materials have the nonlinear, large deformation and viscoelastic behavior. W.D. Kim et al. studied these characteristics through the static, fatigue, dynamic, aging and viscoelastic test. This paper discussed that the properties of engine mounting rubber, such as static stiffness, fatigue life and damping factor, are predicted based on CAE by using material properties acquired by the report of Kim et al. In result, the static stiffness of engine mounting rubber is predicted approximately in comparison with test value. Also, it was confirmed that the relationship of fatigue life and Green-Lagrange strain in specimen was the valid tool to predict the fatigue life of engine mounting rubber. From the results of transient viscoelastic analysis the damping factor changed rapidly at the range less than 8hz.