Handbook of Flower Pollination
VOL. III. of the English translation, which has now appeared, concludes that portion of Knuth's handbook for which that author was himself responsible. The later volumes, issued after Knuth's death by Dr. E. Loew, deal with observations on flower pollination made beyond the confines of Europe, while the earlier volumes contain the observations made in Europe and the Arctic regions, vol. iii. dealing with species belonging to the orders Goodenovieae to Cycadacese.Handbook of Flower Pollination.By Dr. P. Knuth. Based upon Hermann Müller's work, "The Fertilisation of Flowers by Insects". Translated by Prof. J. R. Ainsworth Davis. Vol. iii. (Band ii., Teil ii., of the German edition), Observations on Flower Pollination made in Europe and the Arctic Regions on Species belonging to the Natural Orders. Goodenovieæ to Cycadeæ. Pp. iv + 644. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909.) Price 28s. net.