Experimental Validation of Turbine Blade Dynamics Design Methodology
This paper deals with the most relevant experimental results regarding turbine blade dynamics acquired from several designs: from both military and commercial aeroengines to industrial gas turbines. On this basis, a common design methodology has been validated for the different applications.Campbell and Goodman diagrams are the basic tools used to verify resonances and vibratory stress margins. In addition to that, a frequency response type of calculation was developed, nevertheless facing the problem of exciting force and damping assumption. High emphasis is given to evaluating the damping characteristics of the blade: in-house programs have been validated through dedicated tests of shroud optimization and platform damper design.Experimental tests are in any case necessary when a new blade is designed; however the confidence in the design tools gained by their experimental validation is likely to give better chances to have a good new design, shortening the relative development phase.Copyright © 1994 by ASME