PVF2 polymers: Ferroelectric polarization and piezoelectric properties under dynamic pressure and shock wave action

Abstract Polyvinylidene Fluoride PVF2 presents a strong piezoelectric activity under specific conditions of crystallization and polarization. Studies of the ferroelectric polarization, of the physical and piezoelectric characteristics and of the behavior of PVF2 under dynamic pressure are of fundamental interest. The piezoelectric activity of PVF2 depends on the polarization process as it is presented in the studies of the hysteresis loops P(E) (P: polarization, E: electrical field). The remanent polarization attains 10 μC/cm2 for bi-axially stretched films from Rh˘ne Poulenc Films. Results obtained on uniaxial stretched films from Pennwalt Corporation are reported. Properties under static pressure are presented. Applications to ballistic transducers are described. The dynamic behavior of piezoelectric PVF2 under shock wave is surveyed. Study of shock loaded electric energy released from PVF2 films will be reported. Results with PVF2 transducers for weak or strong shock waves and applications of PVF2 to s...