Gene expression during leaf senescence.

Leaf senescence is a hiphly-controlled sequence of events comprising the final stage of development. Cells remain viable during the process and new gene expression is required. There is some similarity between senescence in plants and programmed cell death in animals. In this review, different classes of senescence-related genes are defined and progress towards isolating such genes is reported. A range of internal and external factors which appear to cause leaf senescence is considered and various models for the mechanism of senescence- initiation are described. The current understanding of senescence at the wrganelle and molecular levels is presented. Finally, same ideas are mooted as to why senescence occurs and why it should be studied further. Contents Summary 419 I. Introduction 420 II. Internal factors that cause senescence 423 III. External factors that cause senescence 427 IV. What is the mechanism of senescence initiation? 428 V. Progress in the understanding of organelle senescence 431 VI. Progress in the understanding of senescence at the molecular level 434 VII. The control of senescence in animals and plants 440 VIII. Why is senescence necessary? 441 IX. Why study senescence? 441 References 442.

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