Chapter 4 – Tool: The EnergyPLAN Energy System Analysis Model

This chapter deals with the development of energy system analysis tools and methodologies that are suitable for the design and evaluation of smart energy and renewable energy system alternatives. The specific purpose of this chapter is to present the EnergyPLAN model and describe how to use it for the design of relevant alternatives. The EnergyPLAN model analyzes coherent energy systems on an aggregated basis and emphasizes the evaluation of potential synergies between the different subsectors. Thus, the model involves hourly balances of district heating and cooling as well as electricity and gas grids. It also includes a wide range of cross-sector technologies such as heat pumps, combined heat and power, electrolyzers, and electric vehicles as well as gasification, hydrogenation, and co-electrolyzers. The model is a freeware that has been widely used in different countries across the world. In this chapter, EnergyPLAN is described and compared to various other models.