Resonant length of longitudinal slots and validity of circuit representation: Theory and experiment

Pertinent theory for the design of longitudinal slot arrays is reviewed and its dependence on the dominant mode scattering off a single slot is pinpointed. The critical need to know resonant length versus slot offset is emphasized and the desirability of determining this information theoretically rather than experimentally is argued. Then method of moments solutions are used to calculate resonant length versus slot offset for given waveguide dimensions and frequency. These theoretical results are compared to new, carefully obtained experimental data. Agreement is found to be so good, it is concluded that one can dispense with the costly gathering of experimental input data when designing longitudinal slot arrays fed by standard rectangular waveguide. A critical look is taken at the validity of representing the longitudinal slot as a shunt element on an equivalent transmission line. This assumption is found to be more and more questionable as the b dimension is reduced. For quarter-height guide, an alternate design procedure is suggested as being more accurate.