We study the response of a fluid in near-critical conditions to a heat pulse, in the absence of gravity effects. The fluid under investigation is CO 2 at critical density. It is enclosed in a thermostated sample cell. We apply a theory that accounts for hydrodynamics and a real equation of state. Comparison with experiments performed under reduced gravity on board the MIR orbital station show quantitative agreement and demonstrate that the dynamics of relaxation is ruled by two typical times, a diffusion time t D and a time t c associated to adiabatic heat transport, the so-called ‘‘Piston effect’’ ~PE!. Three regions are observed in the fluid. First, a hot boundary layer, developing at the heat source, which shows large coupled density-temperature inhomogeneities. This part relaxes by a diffusive process, whose density and temperature relaxations are slowed down close to the critical point. Second, the bulk fluid, which remains uniform in temperature and density and whose dynamics is accelerated near the critical point and governed by the PE time. At the thermostated walls a slightly cooler boundary layer forms that cools the bulk also by a PE mechanism. The final equilibration in temperature and density of the fluid is governed by the diffusion time t D , which corresponds to the slowest mechanism. Comparison with a one-dimensional model for temperature relaxation is performed showing good agreement with experimental temperature measurements. A brief comparison is given with the situation in the presence of gravity. @S1063-651X~98!11704-X#