How to Respond to Process Module Failure in Residency Time-Constrained Single-Arm Cluster Tools

Cyclic scheduling and operation of a residency time-constrained single-arm cluster tool with failure-prone process modules are highly challenging. In some cases, when a failure occurs, there still exists a feasible cyclic schedule for the performance-degraded tool. In other cases, such a schedule no longer exists. For the latter, it is highly desired to respond to a process module failure properly such that the tool can continue working and the wafers in the tool can be completed in a feasible way. This work is the first one to study this important issue. The idea is to apply Petri nets to describe the dynamic behavior of a single-arm cluster tool. With the developed Petri net model, this paper formulates failure response policies to control the cluster tool such that it can keep working without violating any residency time constraint. The failure response policies are implemented via efficient real-time control laws. Illustrative examples are presented to show their usage.

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