A knowledge representation and inference system for procedural law

KRIP-2 is a name of a software tool for building expert systems of a legal problem. It was developed to build an expert system for the Patent Law. Laws can be classified into the substantive laws and the procedural laws, and the Patent Law contains both of them. As these laws have different features, it is inconvenient to develop the knowledge base of these in the same knowledge representation. To develop a knowledge base of laws, a knowledge representation language KRIP/L was introduced. KRIP/L was an integration of the object oriented concept and extended Prolog, and has useful mechanisms to describe the phenomena occured in the legal problem. KRIP/L-2 is the second version of KRIP/L. KRIP-2 is an implementation of KRIP/L-2, and composed of some utility modules. KRIP-2 is implemented in Prolog, and an expert system for the Patent Law is developed in KRIP-2.