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G. Pennings.
Family balancing as a morally acceptable application of sex selection.
Human reproduction.
Ç. Kalaça,et al.
The issue of sex selection in Turkey.
Human reproduction.
P. Liu,et al.
Social aspects of > 800 couples coming forward for gender selection of their children.
Human reproduction.
M. Zilberstein,et al.
Gender distribution—not sex selection
C. Matthews,et al.
Assessment of the separation of X- and Y-bearing sperm on albumin gradients using double-label fluorescence in situ hybridization.
Fertility and sterility.
K. Keyvanfar,et al.
Gender preselection in humans? Flow cytometric separation of X and Y spermatozoa for the prevention of X-linked diseases.
Human reproduction.
K. Kristjánsson,et al.
Preimplantation prevention of X-linked disease: reliable and rapid sex determination of single human cells by restriction analysis of simultaneously amplified ZFX and ZFY sequences.
Human molecular genetics.
A. Handyside.
Diagnosis of inherited disease before implantation
J. Green,et al.
Choice of baby's sex
The Lancet.
C. Giménez,et al.
Sephadex filtration and human serum albumin gradients do not select spermatozoa by sex chromosome: a fluorescent in-situ hybridization study.
Human reproduction.
R. Young.
The ethics of selecting for fetal sex.
Bailliere's clinical obstetrics and gynaecology.
J. Batzofin.
XY sperm separation for sex selection.
The Urologic clinics of North America.
N. Williamson.
7 – Parental Sex Preferences and Sex Selection
M. Nishino,et al.
Isolation of Fractions rich in Human Y Sperm