ECRIS charge breeding: High resolution spectra and emittance

The charge breeding process, consisting of a low charge state ion beam (1+) plasma capture followed by a multi-ionization process, has been developed for more than ten years in LPSC Grenoble (previously ISN) using ECRIS. The challenge has been to optimize the 1+ capture and then the reextraction of the multicharged ions produced, keeping a “reasonable ECRIS working.” There are now three ECRIS PHOENIX Booster in the world (LPSC-Grenoble, CLRC-Daresbury, and TRIUMF-Vancouver). The LPSC-ECRIS has recently been set up in a completely renewed test bench equipped with a high resolution n+ mass spectrometer and a high resolution emittance meter. The CLRC-ECRIS is dedicated to online experiments with radioactive ions at REX-ISOLDE and the TRIUMF-ECRIS will soon be ready to undergo a validation process. We will present the preliminary results obtained with the new setup of the LPSC PHOENIX Booster with a special attention to the 1+ emittance and the characterization of the unwanted beams (usually called “impuritie...