Aerodynamic resistance to heat transfer (r ah ) needed to calculate sensible heat flux (H) used in energy balance modeling can be estimated from momentum aerodynamic resistance with corrections for atmospheric stability. This study compared r ah and H modeled by four commonly used resistance methods with r ah and H measured indirectly through energy balance techniques. Three momentum aerodynamic parameters were calculated : roughness length, Z om ; zero plane displacement, d ; and friction velocity, U*. Corn (Zea mays L.) was grown on east-west rows (0.75 m wide) in 1989 and 1990 at Bushland, TX, in two contiguous 5-ha fields where two weighing lysimeters were located and micrometeorological measurements were made. Sensible heat flux was indirectly measured as a residual of the energy balance and then used to calculate aerodynamic resistance. Momentum aerodynamic parameters were calculated from near-neutral condition wind-speed profiles using a least squares procedure. The momentum parameter relationships to crop height (CH) were d = 0.73 x CH (r 2 = 0.59) and Z om = 0.12 x CH (r 2 = 0.96). While no r ah model performed well, the best linear fit (r 2 = 0.75, y = 1.08x + 4.2) between measured (x) and modeled (y) r ah occurred under stable atmospheric conditions ; for measured and modeled H, the best linear fit (r 2 = 184, y = 0.93x + 62.1) occurred under all atmospheric conditions. Measured r ah in neutral and unstable conditions was not closely associated with wind speed. Performance of a model with a limited stability factor was improved by increasing the magnitude of the factor. These results suggest that r ah models may be sensitive to atmospheric stability and local conditions such as fetch and leaf area.