Mixing Studies in Supersonic Flow Employing Strut Based Hypermixers

Gaseous injection into supersonic main flo w has been carried out using strut based parallel injectors namely; raised and relieved straight ramp, and, raised and relieved tapered ramp. The flow field structure and the mixing characteristics of the injectors were studied using color schlieren and Mi e scattering technique. A parameter -Degree of Unmixedness (DU) was defined to get the extent of mixing from the Mie images. The commercially available software FLUENT has been used to get an insight into the flow field associated with the injectors. The wa ll static pressure distribution computed from the numerical simulation was compared with the experimental data. The results of the proposed injectors showed that the raised and relived straight ramp at the rear end of the strut performed well compared to o ther two cases as far as the mixing and spreading is concerned. The computed wall static pressure along the top wall agreed very well with the experimental data.