Tire use and road safety – background to policy recommendations for new EU measures

TNO and TML performed a study commissioned by the European Commission regarding what measures on a European level can be taken in relation to the use of tyres to improve road safety. The study considers the use of Winter tyres, tread depth requirements, tyre inflation pressure maintenance and tyre ageing effects and damages. An assessment has been made of the tyre safety performance, current use of tyre and consumer awareness, tyre related accident statistics and existing regulations for the different tyre aspects (including TPMS). Results from analyses on accident records from Germany (GIDAS) and a NHTSA study provide estimation of safety benefits. Policy options are defined and estimations are made of the accident reduction on a European scale to assess the monetary benefits, which are compared to the associated cost of execution of the policies. The results indicate that extended enforcement of tread depth regulation and increase of tyre pressure maintenance are most cost effective. For Winter tyres it is cost effective to introduce a harmonised definition using the 3PMS performance criterion, and installing a dedicated tread depth requirement of 4 mm would be around break even. Promoting the use of Winter tyres, or extending the enforcement of the use of Winter tyres may not be cost effective as a policy option, however the estimated safety benefit is significant (i.e. 3 % reduction in the number of fatalities during winter conditions). Installing a harmonised tread depth for truck tyres, and organising tyre inspections between periodic vehicle inspections are expected to be beneficial.