O governo e a sociedade brasileira tem debatido a matriz energetica do pais com a intencao de identificar alternativas que diminuam a sua dependencia dos derivados de petroleo. O biodiesel tem sido o produto considerado mais promissor para substituir parte do diesel fossil consumido no Brasil para reduzir a emissao de carbono. Este trabalho procurou analisar os dois mercados (biodiesel e oleo vegetal), identificar a mistura de biodiesel para cada regiao brasileira e caracterizar a producao de biodiesel e as processadoras de oleo vegetal. Os resultados mostram que o consumo do biodiesel esta concentrado nas regioes Sul e Sudeste. Ja as fabricas esmagadoras de oleos vegetais estao estruturadas para processarem soja e se concentram nas regioes Centro-oeste e Sul--------------------The Brazilian government had discussed about alternative energetic matrix to reduce petroleum dependence and carbon emission at atmosphere. Thus, the biodiesel had been main product to replace part of diesel consuming in Brazil. The present paper looked for analysis two markets and to identify the bland of biodiesel each region of Brazil, to describe de biodiesel production and to locate crushing oil vegetable. The results shows that biodiesel consume is concentrated in south and southeast region of Brazil, and the crushing of vegetable oil is structured to process soybean and the main regions are center ester and south of Brazil.
Rubens Maciel Filho,et al.
Optimization of biodiesel production from castor oil
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology.
Kevin N. Rask,et al.
Clean air and renewable fuels: the market for fuel ethanol in the US from 1984 to 1993
C. Garbacz.
Gasoline, Diesel, and Motorfuel Demand in Taiwan
C. Dahl.
American energy consumption -- Extravagant or economical? : A study of gasoline demand
P. T. Vasudevan,et al.
Enzyme catalyzed production of biodiesel from olive oil
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology.
E. Torres,et al.
Biodiesel: an overview