Shape-conditioned Image Generation by Learning Latent Appearance Representation from Unpaired Data

Conditional image generation is effective for diverse tasks including training data synthesis for learning-based computer vision. However, despite the recent advances in generative adversarial networks (GANs), it is still a challenging task to generate images with detailed conditioning on object shapes. Existing methods for conditional image generation use category labels and/or keypoints and are only give limited control over object categories. In this work, we present SCGAN, an architecture to generate images with a desired shape specified by an input normal map. The shape-conditioned image generation task is achieved by explicitly modeling the image appearance via a latent appearance vector. The network is trained using unpaired training samples of real images and rendered normal maps. This approach enables us to generate images of arbitrary object categories with the target shape and diverse image appearances. We show the effectiveness of our method through both qualitative and quantitative evaluation on training data generation tasks.

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