Because 3D models are increasingly created and designed using computer graphics, computer vision, CAD medical imaging, and a variety of other applications, a large number of 3D models are being shared and offered on the Web. Large databases of 3D models, such as the Princeton Shape Benchmark Database [1], the 3D Cafe repository [2], and Aim@Shape network [3], are now publicly available. These datasets are made up of contributions from the CAD community, computer graphics artists, and the scientific visualization community. The problem of searching for a specific shape in a large database of 3D models is an important area of research. Text descriptors associated with 3D shapes can be used to drive the search process [4], as is the case for 2D images [5]. However, text descriptions may not be available, and furthermore may not apply for part-matching or similarity-based matching. Several content-based 3D shape retrieval algorithms have been proposed [6–8]. For the purpose of content-based 3D shape retrieval, various features of 3D shapes have been proposed [6–9]. However, these features are global features. In addition, it is difficult to effectively implement these features on relational databases because they include topological information. An efficient feature is proposed in Lu et al. [10] that can also be used in the partial similarity matching of shapes. However, they do not describe an efficient method to retrieve complex shapes by their partial similarity in Lu et al. [10] for a 3D shape database. In addition, the shock graph comparison-based retrieval method described in a previous paper [11] is based only on the topological information of the shape. A geometrical, partial similarity-based, and efficient method is needed to retrieve 3D shapes from a 3D shape database. In this chapter, we propose a novel filtering method to filter out shapes. The proposed method is based on geometrical information rather than on topological information alone. Shapes are removed from the candidate pool if the processing part of the key shape is not similar to any part of the potential candidate shape. We
Yee-Hong Yang,et al.
Skeletonisation: An electrostatic field-based approach
Pattern Analysis and Applications.
Taku Komura,et al.
Topology matching for fully automatic similarity estimation of 3D shapes
Ali Shokoufandeh,et al.
Shock Graphs and Shape Matching
International Journal of Computer Vision.
Thomas A. Funkhouser,et al.
The Princeton Shape Benchmark
Proceedings Shape Modeling Applications, 2004..
Balasubramanian Raman,et al.
Computing hierarchical curve-skeletons of 3D objects
The Visual Computer.
Ming Ouhyoung,et al.
Skeleton Extraction of 3D Objects with Visible Repulsive Force
Sven J. Dickinson,et al.
Skeleton based shape matching and retrieval
2003 Shape Modeling International..
Deborah Silver,et al.
Parameter-Controlled Volume Thinning
Graph. Model. Image Process..
Ming Ouhyoung,et al.
On Visual Similarity Based 3D Model Retrieval
Comput. Graph. Forum.
Wan-Chun Ma,et al.
Skeleton extraction of 3D objects with radial basis functions
2003 Shape Modeling International..
Thomas A. Funkhouser,et al.
The Princeton Shape Benchmark (Figures 1 and 2)
Shape Modeling International Conference.
Szymon Rusinkiewicz,et al.
Rotation Invariant Spherical Harmonic Representation of 3D Shape Descriptors
Symposium on Geometry Processing.
M. Fatih Demirci,et al.
3D object retrieval using many-to-many matching of curve skeletons
International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2005 (SMI' 05).