Review of "Term rewriting systems" by Mark Bezem, Jan Willem Klop, and Roel de Vrijer. Cambridge University Press 2003.
section of the book. Implementation in this context has to do with building DL provers and maintaining the knowledge-bases that they contain. The first chapter is primarily concerned with maintenance of knowledge representation systems. The second is a discussion of several historical, current , and development systems. The development systems are the current systems the authors consider to be the most optimized, expressive, sound, and complete. If you are considering using one of these (DLP, FACT, or RACER), this may provide valuable perspective. In the application section, the chapter on software engineering is an interesting read. DL-based systems have been developed for software maintenance since at least late-80s, but have not entered wide use (that I know of). This would seem to be an interesting area for software research, and this book would certainly be practical enough for researchers to use. In summary, a good (but, expensive) reference for researchers in DL. And, an good (but, expensive) read for software engineers interested in applying DL to software. TeReSe was originally an abbreviation for a Term Rewriting Seminar held by the chapter authors at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam from 1988 to 2000. These twelve authors (including the three editors) have now collectively taken that name as the authors of this text. Details about the book can be found at According to the authors, Term Rewriting Systems (TRS) have their basis in mathematics and mathematical logic, and TRS began with the development of lambda-calculus and combinatory logic in the 1930s. Rewriting is the theory of step-wise, or discrete, transformations. The field has expanded into conferences (Rewriting Techniques and Applications, RTA), an IFIP Working Group, European ESPRIT projects, textbooks, and a list of open problems This book entirely devoted to theory, and an appropriate preparation is assumed. The introduction to TRSs is less than six pages. I would suggest graduate classes in computing theory and algorithms, at the least. Good grades and a lively interest would be required, too. There is a 35 page appendix with mathematical background, but it seems useful only for review. The rest of the book consists of 15 chapters on different topics in TRS. See the book's web page for abstracts of the chapters. This book would be useful for PhD students actively involved in research areas such as functional programming, theorem proving, or other areas of theory. The book's web site should eventually contain answers to problems …