Ice-on-coil diurnal-ice-storage cooling system for a barracks/office/dining hall facility at Yuma Proving Ground, AZ. Final report

Diurnal storage cooling systems provide an effective means for reducing peak electric energy demand at Army installations. The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USACERL) demonstrated an ice-on-coil diurnal ice storage (DIS) cooling system at a barracks/ office/dining facility at Yuma Proving Ground, AZ as part of the Facilities Engineering Applications Program (FEAP). This report documents design, construction, and operational performance of the system and provides a design reference for ice-on-coil DIS cooling systems. Operational data collected during the fall of 1988 and the cooling season of 1989 indicated a net annual electrical savings of $22,450. The simple payback period for the system is 6.5 years.