Operating Experience of the 20 MV Upgrade Linac

The ISAC-II heavy ion linear accelerator has been in operation at TRIUMF since 2006. The Phase II section of the accelerator, consisting of twenty cavities with optimum β0=0.11 is designed to double the total voltage of the ISAC-II linac to allow acceleration beyond the Coulomb barrier for all ISAC radioactive ion beams. The cavities are superconducting bulk niobium two-gap quarter-wave resonators with a frequency of 141 MHz, providing, as a design goal, a voltage gain of Veff=1.08 MV at 7 W power dissipation. Production of the cavities is from a Canadian company, PAVAC Industries of Richmond, B.C.. Cavity and cryomodule production details as well as installation, commissioning and first operation results are presented and discussed.