Editorial: State of the Journal

The two factors that make TPAMI a wonderful journal are largely immune to disruption by a change of editors. Our community is a fertile source of exciting intellectual creations and scientific discoveries, and this factor ensures there are fine papers for the journal to publish. The other factor is the large community of volunteers who find and promote strong papers. The journal owes a great deal to the tremendous efforts, skill, and professionalism of the Associate Editors in Chief (AEICs). In 2011, TPAMI received 944 submissions, of which 171 were accepted. On average, from submission to first decision took 4.8 months, to accept took 10 months, to online publication 11.1 months, and to paper 17.5 months. Note that these numbers are not cumulative. In 2012, TPAMI received 1,033 submissions, of which 166 have thus far been accepted. On average, from submission to first decision took 3.6 months, to accept took 7.8 months, to online publication 8.4 months, and to paper 14.6 months. You can see the effect of the extra pages that Ramin organized. Figures for 2013 are not yet in, but as of September there were 703 submissions, of which 14 had already been accepted. These statistics suggest that the journal is generally efficient at handling papers.