Quality-of-Service Issues in Networking Environments

Quality-of-Service (QoS) issues in networking environments cover various separate areas and topics. They include at least the speciication of applications requirements, the deenition of network services, QoS models, resource reservation methods, negotiation and transformation methods for QoS, and operating system support for guaranteed services. An embracing approach for handling, dealing with, and supporting QoS in diierent scenarios and technical setups is required to manage suuciently forthcoming communication and networking tasks. Modern telecommunication systems require an integrated architecture for applications, communication subsystems, and network perspectives to overcome drawbacks of traditional communication architectures, such as redundant protocol func-tionality, weakly designed interfaces between the end-system and a network adapter, or impossibility of specifying and guaranteeing QoS parameter. This work contains the discussion of a number of interconnected QoS issues, e.g., QoS mapping, QoS negotiation, QoS-based connguration of communication protocols, or QoS aspects in Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) signaling protocols, which have been dealt with during a one-year research fellowship. This report is not intended to be a complete description of every technical detail, but tries to provide a brief overall picture of the emerging and explosively developing QoS issues in telecommunication systems. Additionally, investigations of some of these issues are undertaken in a more closer detail. It is mainly focussed on QoS mapping, negotiation, and updating in the communication protocol area.

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