Generative Adversarial Training for Weakly Supervised Cloud Matting

The detection and removal of cloud in remote sensing images are essential for earth observation applications. Most previous methods consider cloud detection as a pixel-wise semantic segmentation process (cloud v.s. background), which inevitably leads to a category-ambiguity problem when dealing with semi-transparent clouds. We re-examine the cloud detection under a totally different point of view, i.e. to formulate it as a mixed energy separation process between foreground and background images, which can be equivalently implemented under an image matting paradigm with a clear physical significance. We further propose a generative adversarial framework where the training of our model neither requires any pixel-wise ground truth reference nor any additional user interactions. Our model consists of three networks, a cloud generator G, a cloud discriminator D, and a cloud matting network F, where G and D aim to generate realistic and physically meaningful cloud images by adversarial training, and F learns to predict the cloud reflectance and attenuation. Experimental results on a global set of satellite images demonstrate that our method, without ever using any pixel-wise ground truth during training, achieves comparable and even higher accuracy over other fully supervised methods, including some recent popular cloud detectors and some well-known semantic segmentation frameworks.

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