Abnormal Stranski-Krastanov Mode Growth of Green InGaN Quantum Dots: Morphology, Optical Properties, and Applications in Light-Emitting Devices.

Stranski-Krastanov (SK) growth mode is widely adopted for the self-assembled growth of semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), wherein a relatively large critical thickness is essential and a thick wetting layer (WL) is formed beneath the QD layer. In this paper, we report the metal organic vapor phase epitaxy of green InGaN QDs, employing a growth interruption method to decrease the critical thickness and improve the morphology of QDs. The QDs exhibit similar photoluminescence properties with those grown by conventional SK mode, implying the existence of a WL. We experimentally verify that the formation of QDs, whether based on the SK mode or the growth interruption method, conforms to the phase separation theory. However, the density of QDs grown by the interruption method exhibits abnormal dependence on the strain when a quantum well (QW) is inserted beneath the QD layer. Furthermore, the underlying QW not only influences the morphology of the QDs but also plays as a reservoir of electrons, which helps enhance the photoluminescence and the electroluminescence of the QDs. The method of QD growth with improved morphology and luminescence by introducing the QW-QD coupled nanostructure is universally applicable to similar material systems. Furthermore, a 550 nm green light-emitting diode (LED) and a 526 nm superluminescent LED based on the nanostructure are demonstrated.

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