[Pregnancy and delivery for women aged 40 years and over at the reference health center of commune II of Bamako district, Mali].

GOAL The aim of this study was to compare the maternal-fetal prognosis of pregnancies at 40 years of age and above with that of pregnancies obtained before 40 years of age in the obstetric gynecology department of the reference health center of commune II of Bamako district. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was a prospective cohort study that was conducted at the maternity ward of Reference Health Center of Commune II of Bamako district from 1st January to 31 December 2012. Were included in our study as patients exposed, all the pregnant women of 40 years and over and as unexposed patients, pregnant women aged 20-39 who gave birth in our service. Teenage pregnancies were not included in this study. The statistical tests used were Pearson's Khi2 and Fisher's test with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS The frequency of pregnancy among women aged 40 and over was 1.68%. These were large multiparas unschooled patients in 60% of cases, with hypertension in 6.7% of cases. Pregnancy in her patients was associated with a high rate of caesarean section in 16.7% of cases, term overrun in 6.7% of cases, seat presentation in 6.7% of cases, macrosomia in 6.7% of cases and fetal malformation in 1.7% of cases. CONCLUSION Slight account of its many maternal-fetal complications, pregnancies in women 40 years and older deserve special attention.